"Zero-knowledge" Cloud + Mail & Safe workgroup tools


From GATXAN CLOUD we propose an alternative to conventional online services with REAL privacy, a whole range of online and cloud tools based on the open source solution NextCloud, and applying "Zero-Knowledge" technology, which means that we host your data without needing to have access to it; and all with a clear and understandable interface suitable for users of all levels.

To be able to offer an even higher degree of security, Gatxan's servers are located in our own facilities in the Principality of Andorra, with all that this implies, and installed within our own data center, which means that we do not and will never depend on the privacy policies of third parties.
This is why we are so confident in the security and privacy we offer our users.


Gatxan Cloud is a collection of online tools for day-to-day work and for team work, all of them interconnected and synchronizable with all types of devices, with option to "Zero-knowledge" encryption and total privacy.

The Gatxan Cloud tools are:

And you will have:

Guarantee of REAL PRIVACY: the user will have absolute control of their files and data and will have the option to upload them to our servers after encrypting them, so that they are only accessible to the user himself, Gatxan will at no time have access to the unencrypted documents, nor to the keys to decrypt them.

Gatxan undertakes by contract never to use the information of its users for its own benefit, nor to make commercial use of it.


The "Zero-Knowledge" technology gives the user the option to choose which folders to encrypt and generates his own encryption keys using a program/app open source previously installed on your device. This system allows the user to work with encrypted information transparently, because the program automatically and autonomously encrypts and decrypts the files, and only when the information it has already been encrypted on the user's device it is when is uploaded to Gatxan's servers.

This way:

Gatxan does not have access to the unencrypted documents, nor the keys to decrypt them, because are directly generated by de User..

The program/app to perform "Zero-knowledge" encryption is developed by NextCloud under the license GNU General Public License, which it means that, like all the software that we use in Gatxan, is open source and free.

In the next links, you will find all the detailed information about how "Zero-knowledge" technology works and the link to download program/app for "Zero-knowledge" encryption in Gatxan Cloud.


GatxanCloud is designed for all types of users, from the most novice to the most expert, with a very simple and intuitive interface thanks to NextCloud, a very visually attractive solution with the possibility of customization: set classifications, labels, colors, light and dark themes, etc.

In addition, cloud access for "Zero-Knowledge" encryption is performed using a very lightweight open source program that is installed on the computer of the user. This tool works together with the Gatxan Cloud web interface by uploading the encrypted documents to the cloud and keeping them synchronized without the user having to do anything else.
Here you will find more information about how to use the "Zero-knowledge" encryption in Gatxan Cloud.

In this way we achieve:

Make GatxanCloud usable for all types of users and give the opportunity for everyone to use the maximum security and privacy standards on the market.

The User has absolute control over his information, because he is the one who generates his own encryption keys from his own device, without the need to put unencrypted information in the hands of third parties to be encrypted.


What makes a difference between us and other online services is that we prioritize the security and privacy of the User above all. That's why, apart from "Zero-Knowledge" encryption, we give the option to choose up to 3 levels of authentication for the Administrative Account:

  • Password / Verification via e-mail
  • One-Time-Password OTP
  • Token decryption using PGP Key ("Pretty-Good-Privacy")

The User can choose how to verify himself, like any other online cloud service, or adding more levels of security, being able to choose and combine between them: Password with classic recovery via alternative e-mail, OTP code linking your own authentication app, or decrypting a token using your PGP private key, having previously entered your public key in your control panel.

These three security options can also be chosen for access recovery to the administrative account and avoid unwanted intromissions.

In this way:

We offer a maximum level of account security, and it is the User who chooses which authentication system you want to use and the security level you want for you administrative account.

We provide the User with a level of security up to three times higher than other online services, thus increasing security for your account.


If only you have your keys, only you have your data.

It should be noted that the User is the sole custodian of the keys that encrypt and decrypt the documents hosted on GatxanCloud and that Gatxan will not have access to them at any time . And, therefore, you must bear in mind that IF YOU LOSE THE KEYS, from GATXAN WE CANNOT PROVIDE THEM TO YOU, simply because we will not have never had access.

That is why we strongly recommend:

Use OpenSource password storage programs so you never lose access to all encrypted documentation uploaded to Gatxan Cloud.

There are so much original OpenSource free software that you can directly download from the website of the developers. From Gatxan recomend KeePass, it is so intuitive and easy to use.

For more information and advice on the available open source software that is most suitable for your needs, you can contact us via GATXAN SAY.

In Gatxan we consider that everyone should be able to have access to computer web services with the maximum possible security and privacy, and we refuse to profit at the expense of our Users' privacy as the big IT giants do. Our Company Policy is very clear and very simple to summarize:


and you will always be guaranteed by contract that we will not make commercial use of your information, nor of your personal activity, nor of your data, nor of your metadata.

We invite you to check it by taking a look at our legal information so that you can be sure that the REAL privacy that we offer you is true.

If only YOU have your keys, only YOU have your data.

X. Towers - Gatxan CEO


In Gatxan Cloud we offer you a whole set of encrypted tools for personal and team online work, all of them interconnected with each other and synchronisable with all kinds of devices and with cloud service with REAL PRIVACY, based on the open source solution NextCloud, and applying "Zero-knowledge" technology: we give the option to host the data without having access to it.
In addition, the User will have a contractual guarantee that Gatxan will not make commercial use of their data or information.


Encrypted cloud with "Zero-Knowledge" option.

Classification of documents with tags and favorites.

Version history and roll-back for documents.

Access from external apps based on the standard WebDAV protocol.

Compatible with Linux, MacOS, Windows,
Android, iOS and *BSD.

Synchronizable with all types of devices.

File sharing "ShareCloud"

Shared folders.

Multi-user folder management.

Sharing with other users inside and outside GatxanCloud.

Compatible with Linux, MacOS, Windows,
Android, iOS and *BSD.

Synchronizable with all types of devices.

Webmail "MailCloud"

Multi-account webmail.

Option for "Zero knowledge" encryption via PGP.

IMAP folder management.

Antispam and latest generation antivirus.

Compatible with Linux, MacOS, Windows,
Android, iOS and *BSD.

Compatible with email clients (Thunderbird, etc.)

Synchronizable with all types of devices.

Calendar "CalCloud"

Multiple calendars.

Import and export of calendars.

Standard iCalendar format.

Sharing with other users inside and outside GatxanCloud.

Compatible with Linux, MacOS, Windows,
Android, iOS and *BSD.

Synchronizable with all types of devices.

Address book "ContactCloud"

Multiple address books.

Creation of groups.

Import and export of address books.

Standard vCard format.

Compatible with Linux, MacOS, Windows, Android, iOS and *BSD.

Synchronizable with all types of devices.

Instant messaging and video conferencing "TalkCloud"

XMPP based messaging service.

Open and compatible protocol.

Create chat groups without limit of users.

Multiple video conference rooms with no user limit.

Sending messages offline.

Document sharing.

Compatible with Linux, MacOS, Windows,
Android, iOS and *BSD.

With option to use it 100% online.

Online document editing "DocCloud"

Simultaneous edition of office type documents.

Multi-user platform.

Standard formats compatible with office suites.

100% online use, no specific software required.

Team organization "TeamCloud"

Organization and management of workgroups.

Creation of tasks to organize team work.

Organization of teams by projects.

Task organization "Kanban" mode.

100% online use, no specific software required.

Knowledge base "WikiCloud"

Online corporate documentation repository.

Multi-user and collaborative editing.

Edition history with recoverable versions.

100% online use, no specific software required.

All the services of the Gatxan Ecosystem have online support, incident management & Helpdesk
to help you personally if you have any stumbles with our platforms.

All our services are placed in our own DC facilities located in Andorra. That's why we are so self-confident about security and REAL PRIVACY that we offer.

X. Towers - Gatxan CEO


Choose your option and start enjoying Gatxan Cloud's REAL "Zero-Knowledge" PRIVACY now!

0 / month

  • GatxanCloud: Encrypted Cloud "Z-K" 1GB
  • ShareCloud: Shared Folders
  • MailCloud:
  • ContactCloud - Address book Directory
  • CalCloud - Online Calendar
  • ParlaCloud - Chat & Videoconference
  • DocCloud - Online document editing
  • TeamCloud - Team Organization
  • WikiCloud - Online repository

5 / month
(or one annual payment, 50€/year!)

  • GatxanCloud: Encrypted Cloud "Z-K" 50GB
  • ShareCloud: Shared Folders
  • MailCloud:
  • ContactCloud - Address book directory
  • CalCloud: Online Calendar
  • ParlaCloud: Chat & Videoconference
  • DocCloud - Online document editing
  • TeamCloud - Team Organization
  • WikiCloud - Online repository

25 / month
(or one annual payment, 275€/year!)

  • GatxanCloud: Encrypted Cloud "Z-K" 500GB
  • ShareCloud: Shared Folders
  • MailCloud:
  • ContactCloud - Contacts directory
  • CalCloud: Online Calendar
  • ParlaCloud: Chat & Videoconference
  • DocCloud - Online document editing
  • TeamCloud - Team Organization
  • WikiCloud - Online repository


Design your own GatxanCloud
(price depending on the services chosen)

  • Do you need more than 500 Gb capacity, but you do not need the other tools?
    Do you use only corporate messaging and do not need the rest of the tools, nor more storage?

    There are as many needs as people in the world, so we propose to design your own custom GatxanCloud:
    Tell us exactly how much capacity you need and which tools you will use, and we configure it to measure!
    (and if you are looking for any other specific additional service, tell us too, or take a glance at

The information is the building block of your company. Regain its control.

X. Towers - Gatxan CEO


Despite trying to explain our services in detail, there is always the possibility that you may have doubts or that we have not been able to explain in the best possible way. For this reason, here is a list of frequently asked questions to try to resolve any doubts you may have.

Only in Gatxan you will find REAL PRIVACY.

X. Towers - Gatxan CEO


In GATXAN we are a team of highly qualified professionals with long experience in what we specialize in:
computer security, cyber research, protection of privacy on the internet and, since 2012, research in blockchain networks.

The Gatxan team are my trusted advisors in all things cryptocurrency and cyber security, they give me the peace of mind I need for my clients.

Marcel Lescano

AFICO Group Advisors

What seems impossible, in Gatxan they make it possible, they are able to extract information from where others assure you that it is not possible. They are far away from the rest of the professionals I worked with.

Gustavo A. Cicerón

Private Investigator

In Gatxan they manage all the hosting and security for my clients. They have been my peace of mind and security for over ten years.

Mónica Vera

La escucha activa - SEO & Marketing

Gatxan is one of our best partners. In addition, they have a solid infrastructure of their own and a quality equal to the services they offer.

Roger Garcia

Glutec - Technology infrastructures

The information is the building block of your company. Regain its control.

X. Towers - Gatxan CEO


If you need support or have any question, feel free to contact us, we will kindly help you!